Monday, October 20, 2014

Without music, I wouldn't be here

I have been in a not so good place since the sixth grade, and a lot of people don’t understand a thing that I am going through or am feeling, but they do, the artists, the music streaming from their voice and finger tips, I can tell they understand. When talking to friends and family around me failed, Music was there at the end of the day. The one good thing in my life that I have control over, if a song is making me too sad, I can change it, Life isn’t as easy as skipping a song on the playlist, and it just gives me a settle feeling of control and when their words of similar experiences and similar feelings, fill my ear drums, it’s comforting, it’s so comforting to know that you’re not the only one that feels like this and it makes it easier living with depression, knowing that it doesn’t make you any less of a person, and seeing that these people, these famous, and wonderful people, have been in your shoes or know someone who has, and they put their story out there wrapped around in beautiful melodies and in that moment, I know I am going to be okay, if they can come out on top, so can I. Music has saved my life in countless ways that I can’t even begin to describe, I wouldn’t be here without music.
At the end of a long day at school, or a long night at work, the first thing I do when I get home is plug in my phone to my speakers and let the sounds of their voices bounce off the walls in my room and it doesn’t matter who made me mad that day, it doesn’t matter how many rude costumers I had at work, and it doesn’t matter how sad I felt, the music makes all of that go away. As I dance around my room and listen to the music flowing out of my speakers, it’s like I am not even here for a moment, I’m not stuck in a town I hate, I’m not a stressed out senior, I’m not a depressed teenager, I am just me, and I am happy, and I feel so lost in all of the best places. Losing myself to music and just feeling it as the words fall off their lips is one of the best feelings in the world.
Music has a lot of powers, has the power to make you dance, the power to make you cry, the power to make you angry, the power to make you laugh as you think about some memory, but more than anything it can heal you. I know it can from my own experience, and I am sure that the rest of us can think back to a time when nothing else could make us feel better except that one song. The moment when you are really angry and you just got in a fight with a friend, parents, significate other, and then that song comes on and you can’t help but crack a smile and bump your head to the beat of it and then by the time the song is over, you don’t remember what you were upset or angry about to begin with. Music helps us release all of those negative emotions, almost in a “cleansing” type way, and doing that it heals us, just one of the many beautiful things music does for us all.
Without music, I feel that the world would be full of bad vibes. Why do you think all the hippies gather at music festivals and not a carnival or something? Because music just fills people with good vibes. I feel that if it wasn’t here, too many people would take out their emotions in the worst ways. If music wasn’t here, no one could dance, because music has the rhythms that make people want to move, and if it wasn’t here, those rhythms wouldn’t be here, if the rhythms weren’t here, we wouldn’t be very good at humming or making some noise to the beat of some song that gets you dancing, and all of this rolling back around to the fact that if music wasn’t here, no one would dance, and dancing is a good way to release energy. Dancing is also just fun and inspiring, and the music makes it that way, so without music, the world would be dull with bad vibes.

So let’s dance.  

1 comment:

  1. I can totally see why you connect with music in these ways--I agree it can be a comfort and a mood-lifter. I really like this sentence: "Life isn’t as easy as skipping a song on the playlist, and it just gives me a settled feeling of control and when their words of similar experiences and similar feelings, fill my ear drums, it’s comforting, it’s so comforting to know that you’re not the only one that feels like this."
