Monday, November 24, 2014

Well this blog has absolutely nothing to do with anything we are doing in class but I just have so much bottled up inside of me and no one really to talk to and I need just to have a moment, for real. To everyone who isn't a senior, seriously live it up because senior year is rough as hell. Things start piling up before you know it, 18th birthday is approaching and you will soon become an adult, All of the pressure we have when it comes to growing up. Teachers throw this college shit at you, handing out brouchers to sophomore and juniors. Things get crazy when it comes to school and even more so when it comes to life. So everyone who isn't going through this right now, live it up and when the time does come, don't forget to just breathe and let the rest of it happen. Sometimes in between of all the test and "fitting in" and friends, I think we all forget to just take a moment and recalculate on things that have happened. I know that sometimes I forget to do that and then things just keep piling up and before I know it I am beyond overwhelmed sitting in the consular talking about how I cant wait to get out of highschool. I know when I get in the true adult world, I will look back and think "I cant believe I thought those were problems then" and that's probably right. Everything we worry about as a kid seems much smaller when we become true adults, but right now, I am still in highschool, still caught between who I am and who I want to be and it still sucks. I keep telling myself to hang in there and that I got less than 20 days left and then I am done, but looking forward to the future is hard when you cant even look past your present. I am holding onto the words "It'll get better." and hey, maybe it will, or maybe it wont. I just need to remember to breathe.

1 comment:

  1. You are wise to realize that there are both better and more challenging things to come...You know I'm here if you need to vent or to help you figure some things out. These next 20 days will fly by, and despite popular belief, I do not think you need to have your whole life figured out by then. I'm 38 and still a work in progress. I probably always will be. It's okay. You got this.
