Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Ugly Steps

Most really pretty girls have pretty ugly feet, and so does Mindy Metalman, Lenore notices, all of a sudden. Mindy and Lenore have practically grown up together, starting out in kindergarten and getting ready to start their freshman year of high school. Lenore was decent looking, really nice, more of the quiet, shy, and soft spoken one, came from a good set of parents that sent her on the road of straight and narrow. Mindy on the other hand was stunningly beautiful, the outgoing, loud, rebel one, had some good parents that tried to make their daughter a tad more like her best friend, but not everything goes as we initially planned.

The girls were out at the mall doing some late school shopping and just walking around and having a good time. They went to every store they could think of and bought all of the cutest clothes. Lenore was excited for school to start but she was really nervous because she isn’t like her best friend, not only does everyone know her, but everyone likes her, Lenore on the other hand just blended in with the crowd and was known as more of “that friend of Mindy’s” so she was scared that when she got to high school, Mindy would go off and make tons of new friends and Lenore will be left by herself. Mindy though was super excited for high school, all of the movies and stories people tell about “High School being the best days of your life” were just building her excitement over the summer, and now the time was finally here and she couldn’t wait for the journey to begin.

They walk into Payless Shoes and they are going up and down the shoe aisle, boxes of shoes slowly piling up in the arms making it hard for them to see and causing them to stumble all over the place. They finally find a bench where they can sit and make the final decision of which shoes they want to have. Lenore is trying on one after another, as is Mindy, neither of the girls are paying too much attention to one another, busy with their own thing. Lenore looks up after some time to see if her friend was ready to go yet, and when she started from the floor going up, she was almost taken back by what she saw. Lenore’s mother has always told her daughter “Most really pretty girls have pretty ugly feet.” When Lenore was feeling down about herself, causing Lenore to laugh and always remembered this old time saying. That’s why she was so surprise when she say that Mindy… Mindy Metalman, the prettiest girl in all of their school had the most blistered, hairy, wart infested, long nasty toe nails, and the ugliest feet she had ever seen.

                When Mindy and Lenore started high school, the girls were sitting at lunch with some friends, they were all making jokes and talking about embarrassing things about themselves. Mindy told them she had one that would top all of theirs and she continued to take her shoe off and expose her still disgusting feet to the group, they all laughed and made jokes, and soon all of the girls were laughing, Mindy wasn’t known as the prettiest girl in school anymore, she was just known as the “pretty girl with ugly feet” and as for Lenore, she wasn’t known as “the pretty girl with ugly feet, friend.” She was just known as Lenore, and together the girls took down high school, one big ugly step at a time.

1 comment:

  1. What a great last line! And how refreshing that Mindy exposed her own flaw and was accepted, rather than someone else using it to keep her down.
