Thursday, September 25, 2014

Two weeks passed and it happened again

“Two weeks passed and it happened again”

For years, Mr. Willy had this rat living in his home, and Mr. Willy had this fear of rats, he’s hated them ever since he was a kid. They are so weird he thought to himself. This rat has been running all over his apartment since he could remember, he has set traps, laid out cheese in hope to lure him, but nothing has ever worked. He was so tired of hearing it scurry around his home all day and that little squeak it kept making was on the verge of driving him insane.

For two weeks, Mr. Willys home grew silent. He no longer heard the noises of the little rat and he finally thought that maybe it had moved on, until one evening when he was watching television, a commercial came on and it got really quiet, for a quick moment, he heard that squeak. He turned around in his chair really fast and saw this bulge sticking out from underneath his rug and running around, Mr. Willy picked up a chair that was next to him and started chasing this rat all around his home, hoping that this will all come to an end.

The lamp falls off the table and into a million pieces on floor as the chair comes slamming down on the rug, soon flattening the bulge that was once there. He is going to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

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