Monday, November 24, 2014

Well this blog has absolutely nothing to do with anything we are doing in class but I just have so much bottled up inside of me and no one really to talk to and I need just to have a moment, for real. To everyone who isn't a senior, seriously live it up because senior year is rough as hell. Things start piling up before you know it, 18th birthday is approaching and you will soon become an adult, All of the pressure we have when it comes to growing up. Teachers throw this college shit at you, handing out brouchers to sophomore and juniors. Things get crazy when it comes to school and even more so when it comes to life. So everyone who isn't going through this right now, live it up and when the time does come, don't forget to just breathe and let the rest of it happen. Sometimes in between of all the test and "fitting in" and friends, I think we all forget to just take a moment and recalculate on things that have happened. I know that sometimes I forget to do that and then things just keep piling up and before I know it I am beyond overwhelmed sitting in the consular talking about how I cant wait to get out of highschool. I know when I get in the true adult world, I will look back and think "I cant believe I thought those were problems then" and that's probably right. Everything we worry about as a kid seems much smaller when we become true adults, but right now, I am still in highschool, still caught between who I am and who I want to be and it still sucks. I keep telling myself to hang in there and that I got less than 20 days left and then I am done, but looking forward to the future is hard when you cant even look past your present. I am holding onto the words "It'll get better." and hey, maybe it will, or maybe it wont. I just need to remember to breathe.

Food Memory

My biggest food memory I have as a child is the fact I didn't eat anything else besides eggs and roman noodles. I would go out to dinner at a family friends house and they would have to make me an egg or roman noodles because I would refuse to eat anything else. When I smell roman noodles or eggs, I often think of my childhood. I think about on Easter day when I cared more about the hard boiled the candy inside the plastic ones. I remember sitting cross legged on my moms friends, Ginger, 70's style carpet, while all the other kids were out hunting for candy, I was sitting there waiting patiently but eagerly for my hard boiled egg.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

It sucks just as bad for kids as it does for adults

Before you continue reading, let it be known that this has nothing to do with any of the assignments in this class. It is just me, simply venting.

"What do you have to worry about? You are 18. You go to school, you have a job, you can do whatever you want. Yeah let me tell you about real stress, bills, food, figuring out how to make enough money to get us by, being a single parent with two kids, you dont even begin to know stress."

What do I have to worry about.... Im  a teenager, I dont pay bills, I dont have to worry about electricity or cabel or putting food on the table, so year, adults are right when it comes to that because a good majority of us dont have to worry about that, and godbless all the parents who do it on their own, seriously, I mean that from the bottom of my heart, I give my mom props for being able to do what she does and with two kids and bills so yeah, I get that,

But do they have any living idea what it is like to be a kid in this day and age. We have technology for one, I am sure there were bullied but they got to go home and get away from it and maybe the next day the bully would still be there but then you know you get to go home and get peace and quiet just for a moment, yeah well now, when you get bullied at school, it follows you home. It is on facebook, twitter, text messages, instagram, it never ends. Also lets consider how different the schooling was, they didnt know nor have half of the stuff that we do now, so they learned simply and I am more that sure that a good majority of them understood what was being taught to them Now, we have smartboards, laptops, and even ipads in some parts which you would think make learning easier but it doesnt. Adults didnt have half of the pressure as teenagers do, when adults went to parties, it was just a simple party, yeah there might of been some drinking and weed, but parties now, there are acid, K2, weed, pills and abunch of other things that teenagers are surrounded by everyday and godbless the kids who have a strong enough will power to say no, but some of them dont. Life is just awful now, schools are getting shot up, people are getting raped and jumped. There are so many problems with teenagers and i feel like adults dont understand that..
Maybe one day,

Friday, November 7, 2014


1. I watch movies religiously so it is really hard trying to figure out what my favorite movie is because I dont have such a thing, I love all movies and all different kinds, but one of my favorites is "Perks of Being a Wallflower" I love that movie. I love it because it teaches you alot of good life lessons for kids who struggle with depression like myself. Shows us that things will get better, and even if we have to hit rock bottom first, the only way to go from there is up, and I think thats what all of us need sometimes, to hit rock bottom and just work our way back up.
2. I dont really care for romantic movies too much, I like romantic comedys, but just straight love stories are not my thing. I feel like majority of them are unrealistic and I also get sad because I am all lonely and stuff but its mainly because the stuff that happens in the movies is never going to happen in real life so I would defintley say that romantic is my least favorite.
3. I watch two or three movies a day and I usually watch them in my bed or sitting in my floor in my room and watch them, sometimes I will watch them in the living room but I dont do that too often because when I am watching a movie i like to focous on the movie and there be no sound or anyone talking while I am watching, one of the best ways to anger me, speaking during a movie.
4. What I need before I watch a movie is my blanket and bed, hahaha. If I have food too, that is cool. I usually have a drink though. Majority of the times I will eat dinner while I watch a movie but I dont need food or comapny or anything like that. I perfer watching movies by myself most of the time anyway.


This is my itty
My mini me
Her eyes glisten with innocence
Like a reflection of my younger years
Melodies of her favorite song falling off her lips
Her smile lighting up my world

This is me being genuinely happy
Curls falling around my face
Our voices intertwining as the silly lyrics leave the speakers of the car radio

This is us, losing ourselves in music
This is her, lighting up my world
This is me, being genuinely happy