Friday, August 22, 2014

Katie Slagle
Mrs. Hayley Fraser
Creative Writing
August 15, 2014

I am...
I am...
a daughter, an older sister to my younger brothers, repeating the mistakes of my older brother, raised by an independent amazing woman, and a desire to better who I am.
a sister, the most protected, only girl my dad will ever walk down the aisle.
a granddaughter, missing the days stumbling down the hall in a silk robe, high heels and dark red lipstick not applied quite right, sitting out on the dock with my grandpa pricking myself with the hook trying to line my pole so I could be like him, sitting on the counter in the kitchen stealing pieces of chicken out of my grandmas famous yet simple caesar salad.
a senior student, stuck in a high school that I don’t want to be in, kept here by the friends and teachers who have grown close to my heart, walking through the hall ways with music vibrating my eardrums in the attempt to drown everyone else out.
a friend to those who need them most, the ones you all look down on because of the lifestyle they have chosen, the ones who are misunderstood, the ones who are looked down on because of the things they do, the outsiders.
a lost soul, striving to be a better person but still struggling with this war in her mind, desperate to leave this kind of life.

I am…
growing up faster than I planned, troubled, currently on the mission for genuine happiness
late night talks about mistakes we’ve made and lessons we’ve learned with my mom
open minded and open mouthed, saying what I want and feel
free spirited, understanding, and a low key walking travesty
lazy nights, lying awake hours before school starts, praying that my nights up dwelling on mistakes I make don’t show under my eyes
words I wouldn’t dare share pouring out from the end of my pencil on blue lined paper as my attempt to get rid of the thoughts that eat at the core of me that I wouldn’t dare tell any of them
deep conversation and good advice that I give yet don’t know how to take myself
young heart with a wise mind set a tad beyond my 18 years
big hearted with a big head full of hopes of a better tomorrow
acoustic music that makes my heart feel glad
sense of humor from my dad and temper from my mom

stuck in-between of who I am and who I want to be


  1. I really like the line "stuck in between of who I am and who I want to be" because I definitely can relate to that. I like how real this all is. From drowning out everything with music to staying up for hours dwelling on mistakes, I can relate to this. This is a really great poem.

  2. Very good poem, I can definitely relate to a lot of it!

  3. I love the lines "only girl my dad will ever walk down the aisle" and "currently on the mission for genuine happiness". Both fantastic lines!

  4. This poem is really easy to relate to, It's simple and complex at the same time. I enjoyed reading it.

  5. I hope you find it reassuring to know that most everyone (see the above comments) out there feels this same sense of confusion and conflict and worry. I would also like you to know that this sense of wondering who you are and being stuck in between subsides over time. I think you have the strength and resilience and confidence inside of yourself to power through these fuzzy years knowing there is something better for you in the future. Continue on your "mission for genuine happiness" both for yourself and for those you encounter along the way. And keep filling the space between those blue lines with all the thoughts swirling around under that awesome curly hair of yours! Much love to you...
